Giving it a go

It would be a bit rubbish if I had married a veggie and instantly converted myself. That is just not the kind of person I am. However, living with a veggie has meant I have had to adapt and has opened my eyes to a whole world of wonderful food I had never experienced before. I love cooking and eating and sharing this with the person I share my life with is therefore obviously important to me, so this has meant when I cook for us both at home, I cook veggie. I am not dead set on becoming a vegetarian right now and am not sure if I will in the future but I have been so inspired by the many vegetarian/vegan blogs out there that I was itching to start my own. So here we go.

Monday, 12 December 2011

Chocolate Raspberry Cookies

While preparing my Christmas menu and flipping through the lovely Veganomicon - I came across this recipe and it seemed so quick and easy I couldn't resist having a go! Half the recipe made the amount you see in the photo - they were heaven!!

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